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We meet at 8am & 10am every Sunday. You can also join our livestream of our 10am service via our Youtube channel.

Below you will find information about each of our services to help you know what you can expect.

8am Service – Traditional Style

Service Overview

We are thankful for our Anglican heritage and its traditions.
At this service, the minister wears robes and we enjoy traditional hymns.
We typically celebrate Holy Communion on the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, with a Service of Word and Prayer on the second Sunday.
We use services from both An Australian Prayer Book and Common Prayer.


Arriving 5-10 minutes before the service will give you time to come in and find a seat in the auditorium.

You’ll find the entrance to our carpark on Orallo Ave. There are plenty of spaces available to park your car here, or on the neighbouring streets.
Entry to the church building is directly through the carpark – just head towards the large glass doors and into our foyer.

Upon entering the building, one of our welcome team members will greet you, take your name and print you a name tag (we find these are super-helpful).

From the foyer, you can enter into the auditorium. You may then take a seat in the auditorium anywhere you feel comfortable.

Service Structure

The service runs for about 1 hour.

A typical service includes the following elements:

  • The Ministers and Warden will appear on the stage, and the congregation stands.
  • We sing 2 hymns; (if you don’t feel comfortable singing, or don’t know the hymns, you are welcome to simply observe);
  • Following the prayer book, we read the daily verses of Scripture, and praying a Prayer of Preparation and the Collect for the day.
  • We hear the Bible read;
  • We stand together as we declare what we believe in the words of a common creed;
  • We hear the Bible passage explained and applied to our lives (usually around 20 mins);
  • We often hear a short update from one of the ministry areas of our church;
  • We participate in Holy Communion (typically on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month).
Other Details

You are free to wear whatever feels comfortable for you – there is no particular dress code. Those who typically attend this service range in dress from a shirt & tie to casual wear.

10am Service – Contemporary Style

Service Overview

We love the joy that kids bring to families. Our 10am service is family-friendly, and has a contemporary feel with modern music, led by a small band.
We believe it’s important for kids to see their parents engage in church life.

Normally, during the first 20 minutes of the service kids participate with their families as they join in singing, hearing the Bible read, a short kids talk, and have the opportunity to share in the Lord’s Supper once a month. After this time, kids up to Year 6 head out to their own learning program with our specialised team of teachers.
Children under school age can join our creche program from 9:55am.

After the service, adults and kids share in morning tea together. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people and enjoy conversation over a tea or coffee.


Arriving 10-15 minutes before the service will give you time to come in and find a seat in the auditorium.

You’ll find the entrance to our carpark on Orallo Ave. There are plenty of spaces available to park your car here, or on the neighbouring streets.
Entry to the church building is directly through the carpark – just head towards the large glass doors and into our foyer.

Upon entering the building, one of our welcome team members will greet you, take your name and print you a name tag (we find these are super-helpful).
If you have children not yet at school, and you would like them to join our creche program, one of our welcome team members can assist you. If you have children up to year 6, they can join the kids program before the 10am service begins.

From the foyer, you can enter into the auditorium. You may then take a seat anywhere you feel comfortable.

Service Structure

The service runs for about 1 hour 15 mins.

A typical service includes the following elements:

  • Our band lead us in singing a number of songs (if you don’t feel comfortable singing, you are more than welcome to simply observe);
  • We will say either a prayer of confession or a Christian creed together (words appear on the screen);
  • We hear a short update from one of the ministry areas of our church;
  • We will have a Kid’s Spot where we engage with the younger members of our church, and hear what they are learning in their specialised programs;
  • A member of the church will lead a time of prayer;
  • We hear the Bible read;
  • We hear the Bible explained and applied to our lives (usually around 25 mins);
Other Details

If you have small children who become unsettled, we have a family-room available (including a baby change table) at the rear-right of the building, should you wish to use it. You can still see and hear everything happening in the service from this room. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

You are free to wear whatever feels comfortable for you – there is no particular dress code. Those who typically attend this service are dressed across the spectrum from collared shirts, to shorts and t-shirts. Whatever you wear, you needn’t worry about standing out from the crowd.

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