
Discover Jesus

A short course to help you discover the life-changing news of Jesus.

Whether you’ve never heard about Jesus before, or you’ve been in church your whole life but never quite ‘got it’, this is for you.

We believe that Jesus is the key to making sense of all of life, and we would love to invite you to come and discover Jesus for yourself.


Course Overview

Over four weeks, we share a meal together, get to know others on a similar journey, hear personal stories of faith, and consider some big ideas as we engage in a conversation about Jesus.
There are many opportunities to ask your burning questions, or you can simply sit back quietly and listen in to the conversation. You won’t be asked to do anything that you are not comfortable with.
You are very welcome to bring a friend along. We do like to have an idea of numbers for catering purposes, so please let us know if you’re coming (and if you have any dietary requirements).


We find the best way to engage in this course is by meeting in person. We meet in the main foyer of Blacktown Anglican Church.


There is no cost to do this course.

Next course

Our next course begins on Wednesday 15th October 2025
We run from 6:30-8:30pm for four consecutive Wednesdays.

Sign up

You can register here