Church is a gift.
When Jesus calls people to follow him, he doesn’t ask us to do it alone. We are each adopted into God’s family, with countless brothers and sisters in Christ. Church is the expression of our unity in Jesus.
Church has a mission.
God gathers people together to partner with him in his mission. We don’t exist for ourselves. We exist for God and his purposes.
So what does that look like in practice? We dream big dreams for our city, and seek to be a church that is actively engaged in becoming the kind of people Jesus designed us to be, for the sake of ourselves and the people of our city.
This is our dream for our city and our church.
Our vision has three parts:
We believe the Bible teaches that God is trinity – three persons, one God. Jesus represents a concrete and human element of the trinity.
Although many religious groups and beliefs will speak of a ‘god’ of some kind, Jesus provides clear distinction and focus to the identity, character and mission of the Christian God. The centrality of God’s plan as revealed in the Bible is in the person and work of Jesus.
God loves people, and cities are full of people.
The Blacktown city centre is at the core of community life in this diverse geographical area and is the centre of influence in the wider region. The city is made up of people from many different walks of life, backgrounds, cultures and religions. When we refer to the ‘city’, we are referring to this diverse body of people who live in and around this central population cluster.
As a church located in the middle of our city, we have responsibility to consider how our ministry and mission are worked out in the context of the city and among its people.
After Jesus resurrection, before ascending into heaven, he said to his disciples:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus.
We describe a disciple as someone who knows Jesus, treasures Jesus, depends on Jesus, and represents Jesus.
To grow people who