
July-August 2023

There is a deep hope to be found in Jesus. But sometimes there can feel like a disconnect between faith and our life experience in the real world.

How do we bring together medical science and the Bible in such a complex topic? How do our bodies and our emotions intersect with our faith? How can the church be a place of refuge?

For both sufferers and carers, this series will ground us in the many riches of God that are available to us, and the immense hope we can have even in the darkest seasons of our lives.

Mental Health Resource Guide

This resource guide includes an overview of the many resources available online, books, courses, services and more.

Bible Studies

These Bible studies are intended to help you reflect further after the sermon.


1. The Beginning of Hope
Mental health, science and the Bible
Psalm 139
2. Hope for Humanity
The body, mind, heart, and spirit
Hebrews 2:5-15
3. Hope for the Hopeless
Engaging with difficult emotions
Psalm 88
4. Hope in Community
Living well in a broken world
2 Corinthians 1:3-11
5. Hope for eternity
The end of suffering, illness and death
John 11